Friday 14 December 2012

What we learnt in Dr Lee's class

Note: Try doing this with a partner or group for better idea sharing. 

The Purposes of Testing

This is a conventional categorization of types of test:




                        Progress (formative)
                        Attainment (summative)



                        Ability to learn

                        Likelihood of future progress

However, we need to think very carefully about whether these really are different types of test or whether they are simply different functions or purposes of testing (as you have followed during the lecture and I’m quite certain some are beginning to wonder or ponder over which is which)

Can we really look at a test and identify it as belonging to one or other of these types simply from the way the test is written?

We must also remember that tests may have several other functions – some positive, some negative – as well as those listed above. Get into your groups and get the discussion going. Will be hearing from one another later after you have reached a consensus.

Based on the types of tests above (except for aptitude test which does not have much to do with us) complete the table below by filling in the table with relevant information.

Types of Tests & Purposes
When test is administered
Types of Tests
Purpose of Test


During (Formative)

End (Summative)

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